Why is Java programming popular for businesses?

Credits : Knowtechie


The use of the Java programming language is present in virtually all types of businesses today. In part, this popularity is driven by numerous versions that continually feature enhanced capabilities. While version 8 is the standard in most devices, it’s expected that version 9 will take over most of them, which offers even more features that are robust.

Straight off the bat, business owners may not really be interested in the programming enhancements available in Java. Instead, they are more likely interested in why use Java and what it can do to help them fulfill their business requirements. Below is a short breakdown of some of the details.


For many years, portability has been a Java mantra, and it’s probably the biggest feature of the programming language – also called “write once, use anywhere.” When a business owner contracts a Java programmer for a program, the application can be used on virtually any device and operating system.

The Java application is, essentially, its own self-contained unit capable of running on any operating system and into any business hardware. In fact, as a business owner, you don’t have to worry about changing operating systems or hardware, and dealing with incompatible software. This is the biggest benefit over .Net, as the latter only runs on Windows-based devices.

Efficient Memory Management

While this sounds like a technical subject, it is easy to understand how Java is capable of handling memory. Briefly, Java objects reside in a heap that is created once an application starts, increasing or decreasing during runtime. Once the heap is full, garbage in the heap is ready for collecting and removal.

In this case, the garbage includes objects that are no longer in use during the application’s lifetime. New objects are then added to the empty space. Another aspect of how this works is the “nursery,” which contains new objects and a special space for older objects coming from app nursery before being removed.

The process creates an automatic system that helps manage available memory resources. In turn, this helps in increasing the applications speed as well as efficacy.

Better Multithreading Capabilities

Java applications are capable of managing themselves in case of several users using them at the same time, creating separate threads for each user within the program. This is in place of running multiple copies of the program in a single hardware device. Each of these threads is tracked until the task is completed.

For a business owner, the process means that you attain better performance since the program makes optimal use of available CPU and cache storage resources. Even in instances where thousands of users are interacting with your application, it runs smoothly and without glitches. In addition, your users benefit from faster response times as commands are executed in seconds.

It also means that your application will not think for a long time before taking the next step; instead, it executes operations simultaneously. Furthermore, you will also realize better economic use of your resources. Multithreading also means that you will see fewer glitches raised and sent by extensions like Java Logback using HTTP/S, no matter how long some of these processes have been running!


At the moment, Java is the darling in the world of business application development for these reasons. The language offers such versatility with its robust customized solutions that cater for just any type of business niche you can think of. This is the current position that is showing no signs of declining any time in the future, especially with the impending release of new features in Java 9 in the near future.


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