How’s your career going? how do you think it’ll go? Read on for some tips to help prepare yourself for the future.
So… quick but powerful question: What’s the future of software development?
A lot of people ask me about the future of software development. What the future holds for software development and for new and old programmers? Are there going to be new programming jobs in the future? Are there going to be new and exciting job creations when it comes to software development?
All those things really need to be discussed because we really don’t know how things will turn out in the future. So, what is it going to be? How are we going to face these changes in software development?
Watch this video and find out!
The Java Zone is brought to you in partnership with ZeroTurnaround. Check out this 8-step guide to see how you can increase your productivity by skipping slow application redeploys and by implementing application profiling, as you code!