This new software will help rescue kidnapped kids

Credits : Timesofindia.indiatimes


NEW DELHI. Tracing abducted and lost kids will now be easier thanks to a new piece of software designed by former Mumbai cop Vasant Dhoble and his son Kshitij.
This software will make use of face recognition technology and as soon it is uploaded in the CCTV systems of Mumbai Police, locating any missing children across country would be a lot easier.

Any kidnapped child that appears on the cameras attached to the CCTV system will be identified and rescued. And so will their abductors.

Ex-assistant commissioner of Mumbai police Dhoble was part of the ‘Missing Persons bureau’ in the city before he retired. While with the bureau, he reportedly found 7,000 childern who had been kidnapped and taken prisoner.

Dhoble is now meeting with several senior police officials across country to expand the scope of his software. His son Kshitij, who has a Phd in artificial intelligence from Auckland, is a collaborator in the project.

Dhoble recently took time out to speak with our sister publication Navbharat Times. He explained why he believes the software will help.

“There are 15,843 police stations in Mumbai. As per my knowledge there are missing complaints of approximately 2 lakh kids in these stations. All big cities like Bengaluru, Mumbai and Delhi are going to be under CCTV surveillance soon. Mumbai alone has 6,000 CCTV cameras that are directly connected to the control room,” he explained.

Here’s how he expects the software to work:

1. After a missing complaint is registered at a police station, police will scour the CCTV database to look for the child.

2. The footage of the missing child will be sent to central missing persons bureau (CMPB).

3. The CMPB will then pass on this footage to other state police departments.

4. If a child is identified, an alarm will go off in the computers of the control room. This alert will be similar to the one that is sounded when a lookout notice is issued at airports.

5. The respective state police will then locate the child and inform the police of the city from where the child was abducted.

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