Red Hat Developer Toolset 6 released

Credits: Zdnet

Credits: Zdnet


On the one hand, businesses want the most stable operating systems. That’s why Red Hathas Red Hat Enterpise Linux (RHEL). On the other, developers want the newest and fastest development tools. That’s why Red Hat also puts out the community Fedora Linuxdistribution. But what if you want both? Red Hat has you covered with Red Hat Developer Toolset 6.

Toolset, along with Red Hat Software Collections 2.3, provides the latest and greatest software tools for RHEL programmers.

Red Hat Developer Toolset helps to streamline application development by giving developers access to the latest, stable open source C and C++ compilers and complementary development and performance profiling tools. It’s available to members of the Red Hat Developer Program. Staring in April 2016, this program also includes a free RHEL developer subscription.

The Toolset enables developers to compile applications once and deploy across multiple versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is available across multiple architectures with the following Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscriptions: RHEL on x86 systems (Intel and AMD); RHEL for Power; RHEL for z Systems; and RHEL Server for ARM Developer Preview.

Here’s what you’ll get in the latest Red Hat Software Collection:

 The MySQL 5.7 and Redis 3.2 open source databases
  • Perl 5.24 and PHP 7.0, both dynamic open source languages (Perl 5.24 and PHP 7.0)
  • Git 2.9, the latest stable version of the open source software version control system
  • Thermostat 1.6, a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) monitoring tool
  • Eclipse Neon (4.6.1), the latest stable version of the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) — Eclipse Neon is also now available as its own software collection and is no longer a part of Red Hat Developer Toolset

In addition, many collections have been updated, including:

  • PHP 5.6
  • Python 3.5
  • Ruby 2.3
  • MongoDB 3.2

The Red Hat Developer Toolset has been updated to include:

  • The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 6.2.1
  • The GNU Project Debugger (GDB) 7.12
  • A number of updates to toolchain components and performance tools
    • binutils (2.27)
    • elfutils (0.167)
    • Valgrind (3.12)
    • Dyninst (9.2.0)
    • strace (4.12)
    • SystemTap (3.0)

Both are available now to customers with select active RHEL subscriptions, as well as through the Red Hat Developer Program. Many of the most popular programmers are also available as Docker containers and Docker-formatted images. These containerized programs are available via the Red Hat Customer Portal.

Red Hat is delivering all this programmer goodness because, as Jim Totton, Red Hat’s vice president of the Platforms Business Unit, put it: “To help achieve the benefits promised by modern applications, development methods should include newer, innovative tools, but not at the cost of enterprise IT stability.”