Independent game developer Lislore Goedhard proposed to Ted Martens using a custom build of Crypt of the NecroDancer with the help of designer Ryan Clark and composer Danny Baranowsky.
Martens is a pixel artist and animator on Crypt of the NecroDancer, and Goedhard enlisted his fellow NecroDancer colleagues Clark and Baranowsky to aide in her proposal.
Announced on Twitter, Goedhart explained how the collaboration came to be, thanking Clark for assistance in designing the build and Baranowsky for composing a remix wedding song from zone one level one of the game.
This isn’t the first time developers have used games to propose to their loved ones, but this gesture went the extra mile through its inclusion of custom made assets.
Screenshots provide a look at the content created for the proposal, including a pixilated ring used to pop the question.
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