Credits : Techrepublic


Developers remain among the most in-demand roles in the tech community, and those skilled in the right programming languages can command salaries of over $100,000. But as the popularity of many coding languages rise and fall over time, it’s important to know where to target your learning to gain the best job prospects, according to a Friday report from job search site Indeed.

Indeed analyzed US job postings in the tech software category, and determined which programming languages were most in-demand by employers between May and August 2018. The coding languages were ranked based on the percentage of job postings within the tech software category on Indeed that contained their name.

Here are the 10 most in-demand programming languages in that timeframe, and the percentage of Indeed job postings that mention them:

1. Java

30% of job postings

At the top of the list, Java is used by millions of developers and billions of devices worldwide. Java is the official language of Android development, and 90% of Fortune 500 companies use Java as a server-side language for back-end development, according to an analysis from Coding Dojo. Developers who know Java are often employed as software engineers, software architects, and DevOps engineers, according to TechRepublic’s Nick Heath.

2. Javascript

26% of job postings

JavaScript is used by more than 80% of developers and by 95% of all websites for any dynamic logic on their pages, according to Coding Dojo. Several front-end frameworks for JavaScript—like React and AngularJS—will be increasingly used to power Internet of Things (IoT) devices, so it’s unlikely that the language will drop in popularity any time soon. Popular jobs for Java developers include web developer, full-stack developer, and front-end developer.


18% of job postings

HTML is a foundational language that was ranked as the easiest programming language to learn by WP Engine. Created in 1990, this markup language is one of the primary tools for creating standard web pages and applications across any browser.

4. Python

17% of job postings

Python is commonly used in scientific computing, data mining, and machine learning. It’s the fastest-growing programming language, and Stack Overflow predicts that by 2019, Python will significantly outstrip other languages in terms of active developers. The language is also one of the easiest to learn, thanks to its high readability and simple syntax, according to WP Engine. Common job roles for Python developers are data engineer, full-stack developer, and software engineer.

5. C#

15% of job postings

C# is an object-oriented language from Microsoft, designed to run on the .NET platform, that is also used in video game development and building Windows desktop applications. It is well-documented, relatively easy to learn, and features many useful software libraries for developers to access, Heath noted. Typical jobs for C# developers include full-stack developer, .NET developer, and web developer.

6. C++

12% of job postings

C++ is typically used for system/application software, game development, drivers, client-server applications and embedded firmware. Though many programmers find C++ to be complex, and might prefer Python or JavaScript, it remains in use in many legacy systems at large enterprises, according to Coding Dojo. C++ developers commonly work as embedded engineers, games engine software engineers, and system software developers.

7. XML

9% of job postings

XML stands for “eXtensible Markup Language,” and is similar to HTML in many ways. It was designed to store and transport data, and to be self-descriptive.

8. Ruby

6% of job postings

Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity. The web application framework Ruby on Rails surged in popularity in the early 2000s, as it allowed developers to build and launch applications quickly. However, it has since plummeted in popularity among job postings, leading some coding schools to remove it from their courses. However, it did rise from no. 9 on Indeed’s list of in-demand programming languages last year to no. 8 this year.

9. PHP

5% of job postings

PHP is an old and often-criticized language, Heath noted, that is widely used across the web for web pages and apps. Developers often use this scripting language to add functions that HTML can’t handle, or to interact with MySQL databases. PHP still underpins many popular CMS systems like WordPress, and is used by Google and Facebook, Heath said. Typical jobs for those who know PHP are web developer and WordPress PHP developer.

10. Perl

4% of job postings

Though it ranked at the bottom of the list, Perl remains popular for system and network administrators, and as a glue language, according to Coding Dojo. Perl began dropping in demand in terms of jobs in 2008, but it still has a number of loyal users, Stack Overflow noted.

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Credits : Androidauthority


Spending just $29 could be the start of your future in web development. The minimum outcome is that you learn an interesting and marketable new skill. If things go well, it could be life-changing.

That’s right, for just $29 you can get the Complete PHP & MySQL Web Development Bundle this week. This combination of seven online training kits and 44 hours of expert instruction is enough to take you from absolute newbie to pro web developer by the time you’re done.

I mean, if you consider the possibility that a supercomputer or AI-driven machine could be doing your job in 10 or 20 years time, what the hell will you be doing?

People who will still have great jobs will be the IT and web development professionals. If you can learn these skills then you’re future-proof.

PHP and MySQL are two very important tools used in web development, allowing you to create interactive content that integrates with databases to manage large amounts of data.

Across this set of learning kits, you’ll specialize in these useful applications, as well as frameworks which take them to the next level such as Yii and Laravel. Don’t worry, the web lingo will all make sense pretty quickly.

Here’s the full web development bundle:

  • PHP and MySQL Training – $300 Value
  • Introduction to MySQL – $300 Value
  • Web Application Development with CakePHP – $300 Value
  • Yii PHP Framework: Web Application Development with Yii – $300 Value
  • PHP & MySQL: The Ultimate Web Development Training – $300 Value
  • Laravel PHP Framework Training – $300 Value
  • Advanced Laravel PHP Framework Training – $300 Value

This much specialist training is usually very pricey, but occasionally the price is dropped massively. That’s the case for the next few days, with the whole bundle being offered for just $29.

That gets you lifetime access too, so don’t worry if you’re a bit busy right now. You can take advantage of this 98 percent price drop while it lasts, then get stuck in when you have the time.

This article is shared by | A leading resource of inspired clone scripts. It offers hundreds of popular scripts that are used by thousands of small and medium enterprises.

Credits : Techcentral


For coders, pure programmatic skills are important, but not the only things looked for when being hired.

LinkedIn has released the top eight most sought after skills in the software sector, as it reports that wages rose in the sector by 11.4% since Q4 2011.

Top of the list is Git, the ubiquitous version control system for source code management, followed by skills in the cross-platform JavaScript library designed for simplifying client-side scripting of HTML, JQuery, and also Eclipse, the integrated development environment.

The rest of the list skills goes web services, web apps, Python, data engineering and warehousing, and finally HTML5.

“Professionals with specialist software skills,” said Sharon McCooey, head of LinkedIn Ireland, “are highly sought after at the moment and are likely to see significant interest from potential employers for the foreseeable future. The scale and breadth of the Irish tech industry is driving the demand for skilled professionals”.

“Professionals open to retraining should also look at these in-demand skills as they give a good sense of what employers are searching for. There are a variety of routes into the sector ranging from apprenticeships to third level courses. We also offer online training on LinkedIn Learning for people looking to re-skill in their own time, while balancing their current career or family life,” said McCooey.

This article is shared by | A leading resource of inspired clone scripts. It offers hundreds of popular scripts that are used by thousands of small and medium enterprises.

Credits : Infoq


Recently I was asked to build a demo site that runs on the WildFly application platform and connects to a MySQL database in the cloud, on Microsoft Azure.  The premise seems simple, but the implementation can be tricky, and there is limited documentation on how to set something like this up.  I spent a lot of time working out what needs to be done to make this happen, and I’m sharing the steps here.

Note that I use Nginx as a reverse proxy server, as it was far easier than converting binaries in the WildFly distribution to use the VM IP address.  Using Nginx, I was able to leave the WildFly distribution binaries as-is using internally.  This also allows for easier clustering and scaling of WildFly in a cloud environment.


  • An Azure account (Free Trial here)
  • A Git Client
  • The Azure CLI 2.0
  • Java 7 JDK or above

Clone the GitHub sample

From the command prompt, navigate to a working directory and clone the sample repository.

git clone

Configure the app to use the MySQL database

Verify your Azure account credentials via the command line

For these steps you’ll need an Azure account.  You can get a Free Trial here. To make sure you’re logged in to your azure account, type az account list.  If you’re not logged in, type az login and follow the prompts.

Create an Azure MySQL database with the Azure CLI

Next up, let’s create an Azure Database for MySQL instance using the Azure CLI.  We will Use the Azure CLI 2.0 in a terminal window to create the resource group and a MySQL instance.

The Azure Command line interface (CLI) is a great way to leverage the power of Azure from the command line, on Mac, Linux and Windows. It’s POSIX-compatible, written in Python and the open source is available on GitHub.  The CLI runs inside of the terminal windows on Mac and Linux, and on Windows, you can access the CLI vias a command prompt, or via Windows Subsystem for Linux , AKA Bash on Windows.   There’s even an app with CLI capabilities for IOS and Android.

You can also access the Azure CLI as well as many other CLIs with just a browser, from the azure portal or  You can find more info on our shell, and updated information on supported partner CLIs here.  Note that all options require a Microsoft Azure account (free trial here).

Log in and create a resource group

Log in to your Azure subscription with the az login command, then follow the on-screen directions.

Create an Azure resource group.

Azure resource groups manage Azure services together as a unit. Each resource group must have a location.  To see all possible values you can use for  `--location`, use the az appservice list-locations command.

The following example creates an Azure resource group in the North Europe region.

az group create --name myResourceGroup --location "North Europe"

Create a MySQL server

Create a server in Azure Database for MySQL.  Substitute your own unique MySQL server name where you see the `<mysql_server_name>` placeholder. This name is part of your MySQL server’s hostname, `<mysql_server_name>`, so it needs to be globally unique. Also substitute `<admin_user>` and `<admin_password>` with your own values:

az mysql server create --name <mysql_server_name> --resource-group myResourceGroup --location "North Europe" --admin-user <admin_user> --admin-password <admin_password>

Configure a MySQL firewall

Create a firewall rule for your MySQL server to allow client connections by using the az mysql server firewall-rule create command.  Here’s an example that creates a firewall rule for a broad range of IP addresses (You will likely want to narrow your actual firewall IP address range):

az mysql server firewall-rule create --name allIPs --server <mysql_server_name> --resource-group myResourceGroup --start-ip-address --end-ip-address

Configure the Azure MySQL database

Connect to the MySQL server using the values you specified previously for `<admin_user>` and `<mysql_server_name>`.

mysql -u <admin_user>@<mysql_server_name> -h <mysql_server_name> -P 3306 -p

In the `mysql` prompt, create a database and a table for the to-do items.


Create a database user and give it all privileges in the `tododb` database. Replace the placeholders `<Javaapp_user>` and `<Javaapp_password>` with your own unique app name:

CREATE USER '<Javaapp_user>' IDENTIFIED BY '<Javaapp_password>'; 

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tododb.* TO '<Javaapp_user>';

Exit your server connection by typing `quit`.

Update the values in the file

Update the following values in src/main/resources/

spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql:// >@<mysql_server_name>





Build and run the sample

Build and run the sample locally using the Maven wrapper included in the repo:

mvn package spring-boot:run

In a browser, open http://localhost:8080 to make sure the app is functional before we send the package to a VM on Azure.

Configure Maven to generate a .WAR file

To deploy the application to a vm, we need to deploy a .war file using the mvn package command.   Right now maven produces a .jar file, and we need to deploy a .WAR file to Firefly.  It; an easy change – just add this line to your pom.xml:


Now, run mvn clean package from the same location as the pom.xml to  generate a .WAR file in the target directory called todo-app-java-on-azure-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war

Create a Linux VM on Azure

There are several ways to create a new Linux VM on Azure, for this article, we’re going to go with the command line, using the az vm create command.

This command creates a Linux VM with the latest Ubuntu image available on azure:

az vm create -n <vm name> -g <resource group> -l eastus2 --generate-ssh-key --image ubuntults

Open ports 8080 and 9990

Next, open port 8080 and 9990 on the target VM.  Spring Boot uses port 8080 for applications and wildfly uses port 9990 for admin access.  You have to set  priority when you open more than one port on the VM, so set wildfly lower (I used 800) than Spring (which remains at the default 100).  Priority can range from 100 to 4096.

az vm open-port -n <vm name> -g <resource group>  --port 8080

az vm open-port -n <vm name> -g <resource group>  --port 9990 –priority 800

SSH into the VM

Get into the VM with the SSH key you generated as part of the az vm create command. Use the <username> from your VM – your account email to the left of the @ is usually the default.

ssh <username>@< PublicIpAddress>

You should get this response the first time.  Say yes.

The authenticity of host '< PublicIpAddress> (< PublicIpAddress>)' can't be established.

ECDSA key fingerprint is …………

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Warning: Permanently added < PublicIpAddress> (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

Prep the VM

Update and Install OpenJDK and nginx

Now that we’re in the VM, let’s make sure that we have the latest Linux available, then install software we’re going to need.  For this demo we’re installing nginx as a reverse proxy and configuring wildfly to run as a service.  We also need Java so we’re installing OpenJDK 8.

Using nginx means that the wildfly server can use it’s configured defaults ( to run on any VM.  Otherwise we have to configure wildfly with your VM’s public Ip address.   In a clustered or containerized environment, this makes wildfly inflexible without nginx.  For a demo environment, it means we can skip a few configuration steps (there are enough already ).

apt-get update

apt-get install -y openjdk-8*

apt-get install nginx

Install and set up wildfly as a Service

Next up, let’s install and configure wildfly.  There’s no apt-get for wildfly so we need to use wget to retrieve it from the server


mv wildfly-12.0.0.Final.tar.gz /opt/

cd /opt/ 

 tar -zvxf wildfly-12.0.0.Final.tar.gz

 mv wildfly-12.0.0.Final wildfly

Now that we have wildfly in a location we want it, we need to add a Management user to work with admin tasks:

cd wildfly/bin


Here are the prompts you will see and the answers I provided:

What type of user do you wish to add?

 a) Management User (

 b) Application User (

(a): a

Enter the details of the new user to add.

Using realm 'ManagementRealm' as discovered from the existing property files.

Username : 

Password : !

What groups do you want this user to belong to? (Please enter a comma separated list, or leave blank for none)[  ]:

About to add user 'rhsotdemo1' for realm 'ManagementRealm'

Is this correct yes/no? yes

Is this new user going to be used for one AS process to connect to another AS process?

e.g. for a slave host controller connecting to the master or for a Remoting connection for server to server EJB calls.

yes/no? no

Next up, we will configure a few things in Widfly with information about the VM it is running on:

cd /opt/wildfly/bin/

 vi standalone.conf

Add or edit the following:



Configure wildfly Autostart

Configure wildfly to start automatically when the VM starts (or restarts) by adding these files:

 vi /etc/default/wildfly

Add this to the new file:







Save that file, then create this file:

vi /opt/wildfly/bin/

Add this to the new file:


if [ "x$WILDFLY_HOME" = "x" ]; then



if [ "x$1" = "xdomain" ]; then

    echo 'Starting wildfly in domain mode.'

    $WILDFLY_HOME/bin/ -c $2 -b $3


    echo 'Starting wildfly in standalone mode.'

    $WILDFLY_HOME/bin/ -c $2 -b $3


Save that file:

Make the startup script executable:

 chmod 755 /opt/wildfly/bin/

Next, create a systemd init file:

 vi /etc/systemd/system/wildfly.service

Add this to the new file:


Description=The wildfly Application Server











Save that file

and set the ownership of files and directories:

chown wildfly:wildfly -R /opt/wildfly/

systemctl enable wildfly

We also need to disable nginx listening for port 80 (wildfly will take care of this):

vi /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Comment out:

#listen [::]:80 default_server;

Next up, we need to create a new nginx server block for accessing wildfly using nginx as a reverse proxy:

vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/wildfly

Add this to the new File:

upstream wildfly {



server {

    listen      80;


    access_log  /var/log/nginx/wildfly.access.log;

    error_log   /var/log/nginx/wildfly.error.log;

    proxy_buffers 16 64k;

    proxy_buffer_size 128k;

location / {

        proxy_pass  http://wildfly;

        proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;

        proxy_redirect off;

        proxy_set_header    Host            $host;

        proxy_set_header    X-Real-IP       $remote_addr;

        proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

        proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-Proto https;



From the command line, create a symbolic link between nginx and wildfly, then start the wildfly service and enable wildfly to start on boot with nginx:

ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/wildfly /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

systemctl enable nginx

systemctl start nginx.service

groupadd -r wildfly

useradd -r -g wildfly -d /opt/wildfly -s /sbin/nologin wildfly

systemctl daemon-reload

systemctl start wildfly

Pro Tip – if you need to change any of the above, restart nginx and wildfly with this command:

systemctl restart nginx.service

Deploy the .WAR file to the wildfly server

You’re now ready to transfer the .WAR file to the VM.  The easiest way is scp (secure copy).

scp /mnt/c/GitHub/todo-app-java-on-azure/target/todo-app-java-on-azure-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war <username>@< PublicIpAddress>:~/

Use the mv command to relocate the file to the /opt/wildfly/standalone/deployments/ folder, where wildfly will start it automatically for you.  Then access the app via the following URL:


If you made it this far, thanks and congratulations for making it all the way though!  You know have a Java application running on a wildfly server on a Linux VM in the cloud and accessing a MySQL database on Azure.  There have been a lot of configuration steps, but once the initial environment has been established, it’s quite easy to set up a deployment pipeline to get new versions of the code and DB pushed to the Azure environment

As always, we value your feedback so please let us know what you think!

This article is shared by | A leading resource of inspired clone scripts. It offers hundreds of popular scripts that are used by thousands of small and medium enterprises.

Credits : Techrepublic


Chances are, your network applications depend upon databases. In fact, much of what you work with probably depends upon a database or two. Because of this, it’s important to not only have backups of those databases, but to also be able to export and import them from either machine-to-machine or database-server-to-database- server. Say, for instance, you migrate from MySQL to MariaDB. How do you move those databases from one server to the next?

I’m going to show you.

I will be presenting this in the shape of exporting a database from one MySQL server, copying it to another server, and importing it into the new MySQL server. I’ll demonstrate this on identical Ubuntu 18.04 Server installs, but the process should be the same, regardless of your Linux distribution. I will also employ the scp command to move the database from one server to the other. You will need to have access to a user with sudo privileges on the initial server and MySQL admin user credentials on both.

With all of that laid out, let’s get that database exported, moved, and imported.

Exporting the database

Instead of testing this on a production database, we’re going to create a test database to use for practice. Once you know how it works, you can then run the process on your production databases.

To create the test database, log into the MySQL prompt (of the initial server) with the command:

mysql -u root -p

Create the test database with the command:


Now that we have our test database, let’s export it with the command:

sudo mysqldump --add-drop-table -u root -p test > test.sql

You should now see the dump file test.sql in the current working folder.

Moving the test file

Now we have to move the file from one server to another. For that, we employ the secure copy command. Let’s say our new server is at IP address To successfully move the file, we’ll issue the command:

scp test.sql USER@

Where USER is a valid user on the remote server.

You will be prompted for the USER password on the remote machine. Once authenticated, the test.sql file will be copied.

Importing the test file

Next we import the database into the new server’s MySQL database. It will be necessary to know the MySQL root user credentials for this task. Log into the remote server, and import the test database with the command:

mysql -u root -p test < test.sql

Note: Exchange root with your MySQL admin username in the above command.

You will be prompted for the admin user’s password. Once you successfully authenticate, the database will be imported. You can double check by logging into the MySQL prompt (using the command mysql -u root -p) and then issuing the command:


You should see the imported database listed (Figure A).

Figure A

Figure A

Our newly imported database, ready to use.

Simple database migration

And that, my friends, is all there is to migrating a database from one MySQL server to another. This process also works if you’re migrating from a MySQL database to a MariaDB database. The only caveat could be if you’re working with a much older MySQL database, and there are inconsistencies between how that older database handled tables and/or data, versus how the newer MariaDB server works with tables and/or data. Chances are, however, you aren’t using a database that old, so everything should work just fine. Happy migration.

This article is shared by | A leading resource of inspired clone scripts. It offers hundreds of popular scripts that are used by thousands of small and medium enterprises.


Credits : Internetofbusiness


Diversified Chinese technology giant Baidu has launched a cloud-based tool, EZDL, that it claims makes it easy for anyone to design, build, and deploy artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms without writing any new code.

The modular tool is available online now in beta, and combines three basic machine learning types – image classification, object detection, and sound classification.

Baidu says the system is designed to open up AI development to small and medium-sized companies and non-experts.

To train a machine learning model, Baidu says that EZDL requires as few as 20-100 images and/or 50 audio files assigned to each label, and training may take as little as 15 minutes to an hour.

According to Baidu, potential applications for EZDL could include:

  • Image content identification: custom identification, showing business-specific image-recognition results
  • Industrial sorting: custom conveyor belt product identification, for sorting or quality-inspection purposes
  • Image censoring: custom image-censoring rules, such as identifying smoking during live broadcast – a telling comment, given China’s censorious online environment.

The company claims that more than two-thirds of models get accuracy scores higher than 90 percent, according to a report in Venturebeat.

However, beta users should be wary of an implicit problem with the system: up to ten percent inaccuracy. More, they should also consider the security implications of uploading images to an online AI tool.

Algorithms generated by EZDL can then be deployed in the cloud and accessed via an API, or downloaded in the form of an SDK that supports a range of different operating systems, including iOS and Android.

“Through our Global Business Unit, we are devoted to sharing Baidu’s core technologies, capabilities, and resources with the global community,” said Youping Yu, general manager of Baidu’s AI ecosystem division.

“It is our hope that by opening up the platform and democratising AI capabilities, we will help developers and businesses around the world achieve greater success.”

Internet of Business says

Modular development has been a major trend this decade, but Baidu’s system is merely the latest evidence of another trend: the democratisation of AI.

Just last week, for example, Microsoft released an AI Web design tool that can generate functional HTML from freehand sketches, while in August Gartner predicted that democratised AI will be commonplace over the next decade.

Gartner’s latest Hype Cycle research, which draws together insights on over 2,000 technologies, suggests that AI will be “virtually everywhere” within the next 10 years, but – significantly – it will be open to the masses, rather than being the sole, expensive preserve of large enterprises.

A range of factors will contribute to the emergence of mass-market AI, including cloud platforms, open-source projects, and the maker community, eventually “propelling AI into everyone’s hands”, according to the company.

Gartner’s research also says that AI-based Platform as a Service (PaaS) solutions, conversational AI, and deep neural networks are set to become enterprise technology staples, alongside mobile robots and driverless vehicles.

“Technologies representing democratised AI populate three out of five sections on the Hype Cycle, and some of them, such as deep neural nets and virtual assistants, will reach mainstream adoption in the next two to five years,” said Gartner research VP, Mike Walker.

This article is shared by | A leading resource of inspired clone scripts. It offers hundreds of popular scripts that are used by thousands of small and medium enterprises.

Credits : Techstory


Why would I need custom software development when I have an out of the box (OOTB) software readily made for my business? This question often pops up when companies are looking into solutions to streamline their operations.

Usually, software development companies have in-house teams that do both but these days, remote work has become extremely popular and there are more ways to hire programmers successfully. For example, there’s outsourcing, offshore software development, freelance, virtual teams, and more.

Anyways, let’s go deeper into the definition of an OOTB and custom software development.

Out of the Box Software

As the name suggests, an OOTB solution is simply readily made and catered for your business. It works immediately and should require minimal efforts to install it. An OOTB solution is usually meant for businesses with a standard operation process and it does not require much customization.

Custom Software Solution

A custom software solution is designed and developed specially for businesses with special needs. The software developed by the software developer should be unique and fit the needs of the business. It should also be customizable whenever the customer requires it.

Benefits of Out of the Box Software

When you need a solution for your standard business process, an OOTB solution might just be perfect for you. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of the OOTB solution.

Minimal effort to set up: A solution made ready to go, businesses can deploy and use it quickly.

High availability: Essentially made to meet the industry’s demands. Hence, it’s an easy feat to find the right one for your operations.

FAQs: Expect to easily find answers to your questions with the large community using this solution. An excellent example of a large community would be SAP ©.

Minor customization: A quality OOTB solution should require minor customization due to their array of features.

Economical: Lower upfront cost due to the solution being made to sell.

Cons of Out of the Box Software

While this solution may be the ideal one for your business, you might not find certain features that you really need. Here are some drawbacks of using an OOTB solution.

Migration: As the templates in an OOTB solution are usually standard, the migration of information and processes from your existing system might prove to be time-consuming and tedious.

Lack of customization: With the standardization of UI/UX and features due to the general demand of the community, you may find some specific features that are essential to your business, missing.

Overcrowding features: Businesses may often find themselves using, let’s say 5/15 of the solution’s features. Redundant resources are often wasted due to non-usage.

Benefits of Custom Software

If you need much more than a standard software to match your business’ needs, this solution may just be your lifesaver.

Competitive edge: By using a solution that is catered perfectly to your business’ needs, you will outshine your competitors by delivering a higher value to your customers.

Customization: The main point of implementing this solution is to allow you to customize it in any way you want it. From interactive dashboards to inventory stocking, each detail can be altered to your liking. A good example can be found here.

API integration: Contrary to an OOTB solution, a custom software is extremely flexible. A professional software developer will be able to integrate third-party Application Programming Interface (API) into your custom software solution.

Agile software development: A method that is user-centric uses an incremental, iterative approach. Software developers will collaborate with you during the development process. Encouraging adaptive planning and improvement of the designing process.

Cons of Custom Software

While a custom software may sound ideal for your business, there are some limitations that you might face.

Costly: Developing a custom solution requires a sophisticated knowledge of coding and programming. Hence, to find a software developer suited towards your business may cost you a higher budget.

Deployment time: The time it takes to build one may vary according to various aspects. Compared to an OOTB solution, a custom one will take a longer time to develop and implement.

So, Which One Should I Choose?

While there are pros and cons to both the solutions, the ideal solution ultimately depends on your business’ requirement. Here’s my take on making the correct decision. Make a checklist to compare both solutions. Here are a few questions to ask yourself before deciding on the final one.

Do I need a high level of customization for my solution?

Can either of the software integrate my current APIs?
Which solution fits my budget?
Which solutions are my competitors using and how can I outperform them?
How can I find a good software developer?

How to Find a Good Software Developer

Okay, so now you’ve made your checklist and finalized on the solution. What now?

If you’re going for the OOTB solution, it’s no feat to find the more popular ones. You will find them usually having a large and active community on the web. The real nutcracker here is finding a good software developer for your custom software.

One of the recommended ways is to hire an in-house software engineer as you will be required to follow up closely with him/her on the project. It’s imperative to read through a software engineer resume as their skills may differ. Ensure that you hire the software engineer with the correct skill sets for your project.

Here’s a TL;DR list to make your life easier.

An out of the box (OOTB) solution is an ‘off-the-shelves’ solution catered to a business’ general needs.

A custom software is catered to businesses which require a high level of customization for their processes.

OOTB solutions are cheaper and quicker to implement with high availability and technical support.

OOTB solutions lack customization and integration.

Custom software is unique and customizable with seamless API integrations capabilities.

A custom software may cost more and take a longer time to implement as compared to OOTB.

Make a checklist to smoothen your selection process.

Pick a software engineer with the right skill sets for your requirements.

This article is shared by | A leading resource of inspired clone scripts. It offers hundreds of popular scripts that are used by thousands of small and medium enterprises.

Credits : Born2invest


Without an excellent UI or user interface, a website fails to deliver a better user experiencethat is crucial for the impending success of any business. However, keeping up with the latest and best UI and UX design trends as well as implementing them in web development, custom website development services face various challenges. They have to adapt according to changing realities and demands of the users. Now they have to visualize the importance and scope of UI and UX design in business websites. To obtain better results, web designers have to make significant efforts to create an entirely new and appealing website.

They have to look for best UI/UX design trends as well as layouts in mind to meet the needs of the customers. Here we present the best tops for web development with best UI/UX design.

1. Mobile friendliness

Well, you have certainly heard about responsiveness concept. It is the most significant part of offering a better user experience. As a UI and UX designer, you need to follow certain UI design principles and also consider the preferences and choices of the users. However, it isn’t necessary that all of the users can only access your site from their own desktops. They might access them on their mobile devices like tablets and smartphones. In this mobile age, the users like to access almost anything on their smartphones. Hence, when you are deciding to design a business website, you need to create mobile-friendly features. With this important addition to your own website, you can certainly see significant changes in the business results.

2. Using appealing images to attract user’s attention

We are quite aware that attractive layout, as well as content, significantly improve the user interactivity with the website. Images are another aspect which plays a vital role in achieving the user’s attention at first look. Hence, having unique images is among the best ways to get users attracted to your website. It also enhances the visual hierarchy as well as increases the users. You can easily manage it by inserting relevant text on the images that clearly mention the actual purpose and meaning of your business service.

3. Inserting a call to action

Web development isn’t only about creating and placing a great content or layout in it. It is how you can actually attract the visitors’ attention so that they can easily take advantage and benefits of your services. In this particular context, an appealing call to action (CTA) plays a key role in taking the customers to the relevant pages, which are on your website. An attractive CTA needs to be composed of compelling phrases or words for attracting the attention of the users and prompting them to take action. To achieve better user interaction, you can simply add words like “contact us,” “buy now,” etc. This appeals the users to take action instantly.

4. Improving page load time

The speed of the website is a crucial factor in the success of any website. In case you are worried about achieving a better conversion rate then you can’t simply ignore it. As a significant aspect of web development, the time to load a page is quite important. If your users find it quite slow as well as sluggish, then they can go to some other options which are easier to use as well as navigate, and leave your website.

As a web designer, you need to implement different speed enhancement tactics to improve the page load capability significantly.

5. Testing and improvement of UI

After the completion of the designing process, it is vital to test and improve its efficacy. To improve the user experience, a web designer needs to carry out user-interface testing. It also ensures that the functions of UI are properly identified as well as free from any kind of defects.

Along with this, it is important to include checking of different design elements like screen checking, utilizing different controls like toolbar, menu bar, fonts, icons, buttons, content, etc., to actually know whether they believe the input of the user or not, and where different corrections are duly required. A good custom software development company carries out exhaustive testing of UI to improve the user experience.

6. Importance of content

The vitality of right copy or content for your user interface can’t certainly be ignored. However, when it comes down to design, you have to make right and effective use of the space that is available to use and also ensure that whatever content you have added is certainly in line with the requirements of the audience. Hence, it isn’t just about the quantity of the content which matters, the quality of the content matters even more. Often, you need to make engaging and compelling content and also ensure that it actually offers vital information to your visitors and answers to different questions that they have. By breaking your content in headings, subheadings, small paragraphs, and highlighting, your viewers can easily scan the web pages. Hence, you need to make the content user-friendly.

7. Responsive design

With the growing importance and significance of responsive design, interface designing will be absurd if responsive design practices aren’t considered. As a UI designer, it is vital to know how efficiently you can design a responsive UI which utilizes flexible layouts, cascading style sheets, images, media queries and more. Therefore, for successful web development, it is important that you are aware of the best practices related to responsive web design and also follow it. It will assist you in offering your users with optimal experience across different devices.


Web development has transformed over the years. There are various new trends which are appearing when it comes down to UI and UX design. These trends are significantly redefining the web development in recent times. You need to consider mobile friendliness and responsive design of your website. Make sure that the content is relevant and page load time is low. Testing and improvement of UI need to be carefully done. Introducing the right call to action is vital to boost the conversion rates. All these tips will help you in becoming a successful web development company.

This article is shared by | A leading resource of inspired clone scripts. It offers hundreds of popular scripts that are used by thousands of small and medium enterprises.


Credits : Menafn


(MENAFN Editorial) Melbourne, VIC – LENEQ, a multinational company from Australia, provides a wide array of website design packages at cost efficient costs. Get innovative web design services from a plain and ordinary content website to the most complicated Custom Web Design, Web Development, WordPress Website, Mobile Application, SEO & SMO Development, E-commerce, Websites, Software Development, and more.

Leneq Pty Ltd ( ) offers different packages for different needs. For those small companies that need XHTML coding, homepage, and logo design, the company delivers it all. Clients might also add the services as per their business needs. They can select from the full range of packages to turn their websites the way they want it. The company knows the difference between a corporate and custom website and design as per the brand image. Whether the client prefers an e-commerce or CMS website, their packages offer it all.

Through website design packages at LENEQ, clients can get:

  • Web Development. The company has an expert marketing team who works to upraise their client’s business, boost traffic and improve online visibility.
  • WordPress Website. LENEQ offers a custom WordPress Website for any businesses with reasonable costs.
  • Mobile Application. Their app development services can offer the chance to reach customers on mobile.
  • Miscellaneous. They deliver each type of development services from making apps to websites or any development or design the client need.
  • Website Design. They provide their client to acquire their unique web design that is the most vital segment of the marketing and branding process of the business.
  • SEO & SMO Development. Leneq enables clients to achieve top rankings for favored search terms. They will also drive professional leads which are vital to assembling their business.

Apart from being user-friendly, LENEQ’s creations are easy to load and functional. The company is known to offer website design services which uncover opportunities and handle risks. With their innovative technology, they are helping international clients in designing informed and attractive websites at very affordable prices.’Leneq did excellent work. I required my site to be responsive, and they executed to perfection. They changed/added only the code that was necessary, expressed by mgronjaer from Thailand, one of the many satisfied clients of Leneq. Their website design packages are designed to provide end-to-end and cost-efficient service right from conceptuality to execution with a focus on improving output and capitalizing on business.


Along with several web design service packages, Leneq also offers Software Development, E-commerce Websites, Custom CMS Websites, Game Development and Blockchain & Cryptocurrency.

About Leneq:

Leneq is a multinational corporation based in Australia. Their platform has created more than 12,000 websites than ranges in WordPress from PHT to software. Leneq is a marketing leading company which concentrates on quality and not in quantity. Apart from Australia, they also have offices in India, and UAE and planning to expand in Canada, Switzerland, and the US. Currently, Leneq has more than 112 employees working for them.

This article is shared by | A leading resource of inspired clone scripts. It offers hundreds of popular scripts that are used by thousands of small and medium enterprises.


Credits : Bdaily


A decent design can represent the deciding moment of your web business. It’s the substance of your organization. Hence it’s critical that you stay aware of the patterns. In this universe of advancement, individuals want to follow trends.

It can be sustenance, style statement, or website architecture. While building up a site page, each designer puts his everything into it. Every web design company wants to get the best outcomes out of their exertion.

All they would need to do is to complete a little research directly. After which they can fuse the most recent plan slants in their outline. In this way, they can influence it to seem brand new.

Here is the rundown of most recent design inclines in web design. These are ones which you must consider in 2018. It will help you in choose the look and feel of your website page.

Figures and structures representing Geometry:

It is something that we contemplated in our school, and it hasn’t left us yet. With regards to configuration, individuals love actualizing these to make the outlines straightforward and noteworthy.

There are many Geometrical shapes accessible over the web. You can pick, snatch and apply them as per your choice. They incorporate level outlines and two-dimensional plans. It can make your site more attracting and engaging.

Graphical Plan Examples:

Visual Creators dependably think how to make the most out of the pictures. It is to make the site pages more appealing and unusual. Ordinary Photoshop fashioners alter the images with the slight adjustment from the open layouts.

However, it can establish a terrible effect on the client. With the assistance of Realistic outlining, you can make culminate Line-Expressions. It can help in catching more eyes on your website page.

You may have seen Line-expressions on a few sites like Medium. When we utilize Line-artistic symbols on a site page, they enhance the client’s visual experience.

You need to think about designing to be more mobile cordial:

Google indicates that large numbers of searching questions come from the mobile devices. So engineers can pack their bags and prepare to move to a new time of Innovation.

Google has specified a mobile index on the highest point in their list. Surely, you must be astonished to realize it. A suggestion to the web designers will be to make your site more mobile compatible. You can guarantee a consistent phone test of your site with Lambda Test’s emulator’s systems.

SVG/Cinema graphs:

In the high-definition world, nobody likes to see obscuring pictures on the sites. In this way, it’s an ideal opportunity to make your photos all the more evident. You can use more and more representation on your websites.

To make your images all the more intriguing, you should begin implementing Scalable Vector Graphics. There is a distinct advantage of incorporating such graphics in your site pages. It is that your pictures’ pixels won’t defragment when you enlarge it.

Cinema graphs are likewise a sort of similar picture. It makes a hallucination to the client. It gives them a feeling of watching games or videos. Cinema graphs enhance the visual execution.

People are using them in the majority of sites nowadays. The best thing about Cinema graphs is that they are accessible in all forms. You can find them in HD’s, SD’s, 4K and so forth.

Variegating Typographical Representation:

Variegating means using distinctive hues. Typography is likewise a crucial part. It may appear as though most do not consider it as that vital. However, originators ought to be exceptionally watchful and mindful while picking the correct text dimension.

They also need to be cautious about the typeface. You must think it as urgent to the web composition. The proper Typography will enable communication of messages. It will be those that you want to send on or be visible.

Your text area must be massive enough. The reason being it will use the void areas better, and it’s beautiful. You should not use the standard textual styles as they are constrained and indicate repetition. There must be some customization in your text dimension.

You need to focus on learning about the Machine:

It’s getting extremely stylish nowadays to use voice Pursuit in your website.AI and ML are working standard together. They are similar to use in some applications for Voice look like Siri.

It will change the manner in which we look at sites in 2018. Not only in recent years but also and in numerous years to come.

Network Arrangement and Designs:

Engineers are continually endeavouring to discover some ways which can make their work less demanding. Matrix web design is a similar sort of approach. It helps in putting different components on the page as there are numerous sections.

They are all available in the network format. A responsive app has various parts which modify as per the program.

Scroll over Impacts:

One thing that refuses to go from the patterns is the Impact of Parallax. Such an impact implements your effect with a three-dimensional view. It is when you navigate through your pages.

The aspect that you must stay from is long scroll over. It reveals to you the depth of intelligence of your material. It has an impact on your speed.

Mini Collaborations:

Well, now we should discuss how you express your emotions using Emoticons. Without really messaging somebody, you can clarify what you are attempting to state or communicate. You may have seen it happen when you long press the “Like” tab on FB.

It demonstrates a few Emoticons waving around on your screen. It feels great to see a variety of the emojis on your display. These small- associations are currently getting popular. They are changing the pattern in sites.


Individuals presently are hoping to influence their visiting and support to process over the web. They are more intuitive and smart. For that UX design services are utilizing exceptionally customized and savvy Chatbots.

They would react to your demand for administration over the site. Next time when you hear a lovely voice in a website, it is a Chatbot. You may believe that you are visiting with the genuine person.

However, most certainly it is not the case. Chatbots are making your site more responsive and intelligent. Furthermore, they return results speedier relatively.


These are a portion of the patterns that you can’t miss in 2018. They are the trends which every organization is looking to follow. It irrespective whether they are is it small, medium or large.

One thing is sure, to survive in the market, you must be innovative. Ideas must keep on cropping in for you. Hence, it is that much important to follow the trends.

Are you choosing to plan your site? Keep in mind to attempt these patterns. So, do it and watch out for the expanding activity on your site.

This article is shared by | A leading resource of inspired clone scripts. It offers hundreds of popular scripts that are used by thousands of small and medium enterprises.