Software development limitless possibilities with more numerous programming languages being released day by day to learn. It is completely dependent on aspirant criteria to learn programming languages which suites their need or the organisation they work for.
In this article, we list 5 programming languages that are recommended for 2019 and the importance of these languages.
Python is not new in the world of programming languages. It is an early contender and has been in the race from a long period, but became a must learn a programming language with AI, ML, data analytics, algorithm-based development suddenly catching loads of world attention.
With Industry considering the automation was a big priority and business owners regarding scale and build, python has become extremely consistent for all developers to acquire and develop.
Python Applications
1.Web Development: Python is very well befitted for improving a web application without much complexity. The language comes with a rich collection of libraries and internet protocols like
- Requests — assigned to the HTTP client library
- BeautifulSoup — used for HTML parser
- Feedparser — used for parsing RSS/Atom feeds
- Paramiko — used for performing the SSH2 protocol
- Twisted Python — used for asynchronous network programming
It also has a very active framework like Django, Pyramid and microframeworks like flask and bottle which serves users in swift and dynamic web development.
2. Data Analytics: Python is the most preferred language in the fields of data science, statistics, analytics, ML. Even facing tough competition from R (statistical language) Python has sustained as it is a customary purpose programming language and used not only for statistical programming, but is also well accommodated for building games, websites, business applications, and much more.
3.Science and Numeric Purposes: Python is widely used by most of the data scientists because of its library compilation which is devised for statistical and numerical analysis
SciPy — it is a collection of packages for mathematics, science, and engineering.
Pandas- A package extensively used for data analysis and modelling
IPython — A powerful shell designed for simple editing and recording of work concourses and supports visualisations and parallel computing.
NumPy- helps in dealing with complex numerical calculations.
4.ERP Progress: Python is being applied for developing business software which solves enterprise-level issues. Successful ERP like Odoo and Tryton is enduring small and important businesses in managing their entire administration and stock index.
5. Game Development: Programmers can develop games applying python even though most favoured structure for game development is Unity, python does have PyGame, PyKyra structures for game-development with Python. Users can get a mixture of 3D-rendering libraries to generate 3D games.
Being an open source programming language Go makes it simple to create simple, secure, and productive software. It is also one of the latest players in the programming platform.
Go was formulated in 2007 and officially published in 2012 and was ratified at Google to advance programming richness, in a period of multicore processors, computer networks, and large codebases. The designers aspired to fix general criticisms of other languages while retaining many of their valuable characteristics like:
- Static typing and efficiency (offered by C++ or Java)
- Richness and comfort of use (resembling Python or JavaScript)
- Extraordinary performance networking and multiprocessing
- Go encompass all the efficiency of python and performance of conventional languages like C++ and Java to help users build scalable applications.
The language has raised lots of hope for the upcoming class of coding geeks.
As it has features of Python, JS, Java. But it is slowly becoming one of the most assuring languages to study and adopt in the future.
Importance Of Go: Go’s growing usage is anticipated, because of its lightweight, open source language revised for today’s microservices designs. Container Docker and Google’s container orchestration outcome Kubernetes are developed using Go. Go is also obtaining ground in data science, with depths that data scientists are studying for in overall execution.
For web developers, Javascript is the most favoured language and it will be very hard to find a job in the web development platform without knowledge of Javascript. It is an object-oriented programming language. It is one of the most conventional programming languages in this modern digital world.
Besides HTML and CSS, JavaScript is quintessential to front-end web development. A majority of the web’s most successful sites, from Facebook and Twitter to Gmail and YouTube, rely on JavaScript to design interactive web pages and dynamically display content to users.
In extension to absolute JavaScript, there are various libraries and frameworks designed to make JavaScript development easier. Some of the most accessible frameworks include Angular, React, Vue, Ember and jQuery. Professional JavaScript developers will likely need practice with one or more of these.
Although JavaScript is fundamentally a front-end language run on the browser, it can also be practised on the server-side throughout Node.js to create scalable network applications. Node.js is congenial with Linux, SunOS, Mac OS X and Windows.
JavaScript has an accepting, compliant syntax and works over all major browsers, it is one of the favourable programming languages for beginners.
Use cases: Websites like WordPress, LinkedIn, Amazon, Microsoft etc utilise JavaScript language.
Swift is a comprehensive purpose language which was generated by Apple for applications that are applied to their multiple operating systems. Swift is assuredly the best programming language to learn if aspirants liked to acquire or work with Apple programs and applications. Although it was only published four years ago, in 2014, the demand for Swift developers has increased exponentially. It is now one of the most popularly used languages in the world, and aspirants job prospects will be bright if one decides to learn it.
Due to the tremendous need for experienced Swift developers, the average programmer who knows how to use the language can expect huge pay cheque. The language has advantages like cleaner syntax and limited low-level juggling of pointers
Scala implements functional programming assistance and strong static type system, which makes it an excellent general purpose programming language.
The user will be able to commence applying functional programming techniques to support user-developed applications and overcome issues that result from unintended consequences. The provision of shifting from mutable data structures to immutable data structures and from conventional methods to absolute functions that have no impact on their environment, user code will be maintained, more stable, and much simpler to comprehend.
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